Dr. Allison Snowden is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and is a renowned healer, coach, medical intuitive, and Theta® Healing Expert with over 15 years of experience serving thousands of clients and students from around the world.
Her highly sought-after services include in-person and virtual healing sessions, group sessions, and retreats. Dr. Snowden trains other healers and medical professionals through her signature programs and courses within the Awakening Institute.
Today we hear her incredible story of NDE, how she grew into who she is now and how she heals others.
We discuss:
- her story
- what is theta healing?
- how childhood programming affects us as adults
- trauma & healing
- the power of the subconscious mind
...and more. To get in touch with Dr. Allison Snowden, contact her through her website here: https://drsnowden.com/contact/ or you can follow her on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/drallisonsnowden/
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