Maureen J. St. Germain has over 25 years of experience in the area of mystical and sacred traditions.
Known as the Practical Mystic, Maureen is a prolific teacher and facilitator of spiritual knowledge for contemporary life, having taught in 24 countries. Her books have been translated into 12 languages, and she has appeared on national TV and hundreds of radio shows. Founder of St. Germain Mystery School and the Akashic Records Guides, Inc., she also runs a sought-after annual program, The Ascension Institute. As an internationally acclaimed Ascension teacher and Akashic Records Guide, Maureen has been granted access to a dimension that has been closed to most of humanity. As a direct channel from Source, she is continuously researching, developing, and introducing new methods that will help you connect with your own wisdom channel and inspire your spiritual awakening. She is also the author of numerous books you can find here on this link on or anywhere you buys books: Maureen St. Germain Books.
In this episode we discuss:
- How did you discover your gifts?
- What are the Akashic Records?
- Who are your "Guides"?
- Do the Akashic records foresee the future?
- How does one access them?
- How do we know if something is accurate or not?
- Who is our higher self & how does one connect?
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