Do you have low stomach acid? Try this easy test at home!

See your own practitioner on if this test is right for you. Contraindicated in individuals with ulcers. This is not medical advice. Did you know that it’s virtually impossible to absorb iron, B12 and some other crucial minerals unless you have ample stomach acid? Did you know that majority of middle aged individuals have low stomach acid? Much is due to gut issues, and the use of stomach acid reducing medications like antacids, H2 blockers, and PPI’s (proton pump inhibitors). Did you know that reflux and heartburn at midlife are more often a symptom of LOW stomach acid, not high? Low stomach acid is no joke. I can keep going, but here is a simple test you can do at home to see if maybe this is your issue. This is not a diagnosis or a cure!! See your own physician for that! This is simply to empower you to take control of your own best health. ❤️ Day 1 take one betaine HCl with the first bite of a protein containing meal. See how you feel. Any burn? Any nausea? Nothing? If nothing, next day increase to two capsules. See how you feel. When you feel something, that is your queue that your threshold has been reached on the previous day. As a holistic health practitioner, I do not diagnose, cure or heal disease. I do educate. I do empower. And I do advocate. Questions? Want a consult? Message me. Let’s empower you to feel your best and age better. #sandyknutrition #healthadvocate #holistichealthpractitioner #lowstomachacid #midlifehealth #womenshealth #lowb12 #guthealth #antacid #heartburn #reflux #heartburnrelief #stomachacidtest #functionalnutrition #functionalnutritionist #holistichealth #manageyourhealth #beyourowndoctor #healthybodyandmind #nutrientdeficiency #importantnutrients #symptoms #menopausesymptoms #lowiron